Cultivating Curiosity, Fostering Growth!
Our Class 3 program is designed to deepen your child’s knowledge and nurture their intellectual curiosity.
Our Curriculum:
- Languages:
- English (Language & Literature): Advanced grammar, reading comprehension, and creative writing.
- Hindi (Vyakaran & Literature): Comprehensive Hindi grammar and literary appreciation.
- Urdu: Continued refinement of Urdu language skills.
- Arabic: Expanding Arabic language proficiency.
- 3rd Language (Choice): Bengali OR Hindi.
- Mathematics:
- Math’s: Strengthening mathematical concepts and problem-solving.
- Mental Math: Enhancing calculation speed and accuracy.
- Sciences & Social Studies:
- Science: In-depth exploration of scientific principles.
- SST (Social Studies): Broadening understanding of history, geography, and civics.
- Moral & Technological Development:
- Moral Science: Instilling ethical values and character development.
- Computer: Introduction to basic computer skills.
Enroll your child in Class 3 and empower them to excel!