
Class - 5

Class 5: Consolidating Foundations, Expanding Horizons

In Class 5, we build upon the robust academic foundation established in the primary years. Students refine their core skills and begin to explore specialized subjects.

  • Language Mastery:
    • English (Language & Literature): Advanced comprehension, writing, and literary analysis.
    • Hindi (Vyakaran & Literature): Deepening understanding of Hindi language and literature.
    • Urdu & Arabic: Continued refinement of language skills.
    • Bengali: Further developing fluency.
  • Mathematical Proficiency:
    • Math’s: Strengthening mathematical concepts and problem-solving.
    • Mental Math: Enhancing calculation speed and accuracy.
  • Scientific and Social Exploration:
    • Science: Introduction to foundational Physics, Chemistry, and Biology concepts.
    • SST (Social Studies): Comprehensive study of History and Geography.